Using min-height instead of height to create a container element is a good approach. Because the height of a container is typically determined by its content and can vary with screen size, making use of min-height would be a safer option.

However, it won’t work if you set an element’s height using a percentage within a min-height container. As an example below, the h1 element below will not adopt a height of 25vh when its parent container has a min-height set to 50vh.

<div style="min-height: 50vh; background: #87cefa;">
  <h1 style="height: 50%; background: #eee8aa;">Test</h1>

The issue occurs because a percentage height relies on a defined height. Since the parent’s height is undefined, the h1 cannot calculate its own height.

A temporary solution would be to manually calculate the height of h1, but this may cause other issues.

<div style="min-height: 50vh; background: #87cefa;">
  <h1 style="height: 25vh; background: #eee8aa;">Test</h1>

A better approach is to refrain from defining the height of any children and use padding instead.
