Used to + infinitive

Used to is a modal verb that shows a past habit or state that is not true anymore.

I used to play soccer when I was a kid.
(past habit)

She didn't use to like spicy food, but now she does.
(past state)

Did you use to have long hair?
(past question)

Be used to + noun / -ing verb

Be used to is an adjective phrase that shows being comfortable or familiar with something.

He is used to driving on the left side of the road.

She was used to living alone. 

They will be used to the cold weather soon.

Get used to + noun / -ing verb

Get used to is a verb phrase that shows the process of becoming comfortable or familiar with something.

It took me a while to get used to his accent.

I need to get used to waking up early.

They will get used to the noise after a few days.
