Distinguishing between the time to use the present simple tense and the present continuous tense can be difficult. We can use the present simple tense in the following situations:

1. Habits or actions that occur regularly and repeatedly

  • I wash my hair every day.
  • I never go to the library.
  • Every hour we destroy 6000 acres of rainforests (that’s 4000 football fields).

2. Permanent situations or things that are generally true

  • I have two brothers.
  • Water boils at 100 degrees.

3. When combined with adverbs or expressions of frequency

  • We usually order a pizza on Fridays.
  • I go running twice a week.

4. Stative or non-action verbs

Some of these verbs are: be, have (=possess/own), like, love, hate, prefer, need, want, know, seem, etc.

  • They have a new car.
  • I like chocolate.
  • I love my job.

5. Future Events that are timetabled

  • The train leaves at 4.
  • The shop closes at 6.
